Eyes Catching beaches in Iran

28 Aug

Tourists always move from one region of world to the other. Some times it is just for the change in environment or routine, but majority is for the educational and exploration of new places.
For those who are traveling to Iran for the purpose of tourism or vacations there are so many eyes catching places. Tourists who choose for tour to iran mostly must visit beaches of iran.

Beaches of Iran

Chabahar Beaches
It is a seaport on the Oman Sea in southeastern Iran, where is the coastal area of the Oman Sea. Its location makes it to enjoy feeling free waters around, in addition to other aspects such as trade, commerce and navigation this part of Iran holds specific location. The winter months can be best for water sports and recreation.

The Caspian Coast

This is world’s largest landlocked area which is located in northern Iran. The Iranian Caspian coast including the three littoral provinces of Gilan, Golestan and Mazandaran, with its thick forests and large-scale rice paddies presents a striking contrast to the dry inner plateau of Iran. With their tropical climate in summer and mild winters, beautiful sandy beaches, scenic beauty and proximity to the capital the three provinces are very popular among Iranians as a weekend resort and attract the tourists.
Kish Island Beaches
The coral coasts of Kish Island, a pearl across the turquoise waters of the Persian Gulf, have a special glow under the sunlight. The seawater near the coasts is so clear, that one can see the depths of the sea and all its aquatic life that are really unique in their kind. Lot of mind soothing and recreational activity making facilities such as a recreational jetty, glass-bottomed boats, motorboats, and scuba diving equipment are always available for tourists.

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